DTR108 Digital Leadership - Presentation Assignment Help


You'll analyse a leadership experience and design a series of experiments and initiatives that, as a leader, you would run to make a positive change to the culture at organisational, team and individual levels. After design these, you'll create a plan to communicate and implement these changes. In the final module you'll present plan, justifying your proposals. You'll submit a recording of this presentation for assessment.

Review the information and instructions blow to complete and submit your final project.

Assessment criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

  • Identify opportunities and design initiatives and experiments to influence change at an organisational
  • Identify opportunities and design initiatives and experiments to influence change at a team level.
  • Assess leadership styles and develop an approach.
  • Present your proposed action to implement your leadership and justify each of the initiatives. Course learning outcomes

This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

  • CLO1 Critique a range of digital leadership models by identifying leadership requirements and opportunities in organisational contexts
  • CLO2 Develop leadership approaches to address changing workforce needs by evaluating leadership

Assessment Details

Video Presentation

Create and deliver a 5-10 minute presentation and submit a recording of your presentation for mentor review.

The scenario for your presentation is "your first TED talk". Design and deliver your presentation as though

you are presenting at a TED event. The audience for these events is typically engaged, eager to learn and of a similar mix to your peers in this course.

When creating the presentation, make sure you cover:

  • the background for your leadership scenario
  • the actions, experiments and initiatives you've designed
  • explain the hypothesis for each (the aim, proposed action and expected outcome)
  • justify your design for each of these (why this is the right thing to do)
  • your plan to communicate and implement the changes and actions.

The marking guide describes the points your mentor will look for when they mark your submission. Presentation format

The presentation must be in video format and uploaded to a streaming service (e.g., Vimeo, YouTube or Dropbox — see suggestions below). You can choose to narrate slides or talk about any artefacts you've created — however you feel most comfortable and confident presenting. You will be assessed on the content and clarity of the presentation and your presentation style, not on the visual quality.

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