PUB271 Health Promotion Principles - Assignment Task 3


The goal of this task is for you to demonstrate your professional skills in advocating for a best practice health promotion approach. A best practice health promotion approach for this task refers to the alignment of health promotion action with critical health promotion values and principles.

You will develop a written professional advocacy brief for a health and wellbeing policy, or strategy based on best practice health promotion using health promotion values and principles, and supported by the relevant scholarly literature.

Your professional advocacy brief is to be 1000 works +/- 10%.

The strategy that you will use for this task is the:

Consultation Draft National Tobacco Strategy 2022-2030

Detail about the consultation process for this strategy can be found via the link below. This provides some broader context for the strategy.

Overview - National Tobacco Strategy Consultation

Professional context

Health promotion action involves practitioners proactively responding to calls for submissions on proposed health and wellbeing policy initiatives to ensure evidence of their effectiveness, including alignment with best practice. This type of work is a form of professional advocacy, most often undertaken on behalf of an organisation or professional body such as the Australian Health Promotion Association. Written responses, often referred to as submissions, are compiled and submitted to government bodies responsible for the related policies and strategies to consider. Such opportunities present opportunity for health promotion professionals to advocate for the reorientation of health and wellbeing related policies and strategies to a more critical approach. It is important that our advocacy communication for any suggested reorientation is presented and framed in a positive and supportive way.


This task is an extension of your Task 2 where you used health promotion values and principles to undertake a critique of a health promotion program. As such, you are coming into Task 3 with assumed knowledge and understanding about best practice values and principles.

Your will use the health promotion values and principles continuum developed by Taylor & O’Hara, 2021 as a basis for guiding the development of your advocacy brief response. You will select five (5) values and principles from the 12 included in the continuum to incorporate in your brief. Three (3) of these values and principles need to be different to those that you included in your Task 2 Health promotion practice critique.  There is a note taking template provided in the task resources in Canvas to help you to document relevant data from the Consultation Draft National Tobacco Strategy which can be used as a basis for developing your brief.

Reference [available in your course readings]

Taylor J, O’Hara L, Talbot L, Verrinder G. Promoting Health, The Primary Health Care Approach. 7th ed. Elsevier; 2020: 172-3.

Your professional advocacy brief is to include:

  1. titlethat indicates the purpose of the professional advocacy brief and health related strategy that you are providing feedback on;
  2. Your name as the author;
  3. An introductionthat states the purpose of the brief, provides a brief description of the health and wellbeing strategy, and identifies the health promotion values and principles framework you are using to develop the brief; and a description of the structure of the body of the brief (approx. 100 – 150 words);
  4. A body that includes a section for each of the values and principles that you include in the brief (approx. 175-200 words per value and principle). You might like to include subheadings in this section to organise your response. For each value and principle, you need to:
  • Draw from the literature to describe best practice for the selected value and principle. Remember that core health promotion concepts are embedded in the critical health promotion values and principles, for example holistic health and wellbeing, ecological science, salutogenesis etc.
  • Identify and discuss alignment of the strategy with best practice for the selected value and principle. Support your discussion with specific examples from the strategy.
  • Include 3-4 references per response. You may use a reference for more than one response, and
  • Make 1 or 2 recommendations (as relevant) on how to strengthen the alignment of the strategy with health promotion best practice. Recommendations need to indicate what needs to be changed.
  1. Referencesto include the health promotion strategy you have critiqued, the values and principles critique framework, and literature used to support the arguments presented in your professional advocacy brief. The reference list to be Vancouver Referencing (JAMA style).

Suggested steps to get started

  1. Review the health and wellbeing strategy that you are providing feedback on via your professional advocacy brief.
  2. Make some notes about health promotion values and principles that you notice whilst doing this initial familiarisation with the health and wellbeing strategy. Colour coding values and principles and related evidence as you read electronically, or hard copy is a useful process.
  3. Make sure you are familiar with the best practice values and principles framework that you are using (same framework that you used for Task 2).
  4. Select the five (5) values and principles that you are going to include in your brief. At least three (3) values and principles that you choose need to be different to those that you included in your Task 2 Health promotion practice critique.
  5. Complete the task data collection template as a basis for gathering your data in preparation for developing / writing your response for each value and principle that you have selected.

Post any questions you have about this task on the Task 3 discussion forum.

TIPS for success

  • Start now
  • Be clear about the criteria you are being assessed on
  • Application of best practice health promotion values and principles to develop the brief.
  • Integration of health promotion core concepts to develop the argument.
  • Relevance and integration of health promotion scholarly literature to support arguments presented.
  • Appropriateness of recommendations made to ensure policy alignment with best practice health promotion.
  • Adherence to advocacy brief genre.
  • Seek feedback from an academic skills advisor once you have your draft brief.

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