ECON1555 Business Data Analytics -Your Home Grocer (YHG) Case Study Assignment Help

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Case Study: Your Home Grocer (YHG)

According to Finder Consumer Sentiment Tracker, the average Australian household spends about $157 per week on groceries, with men spending slightly more than their supermarket shop than women. However, the arrival of global entrants such as Costco, Aldi, etc., has palpably dented the dominance and compelled the local supermarket giants such as Coles and Woolworths in the Australian market to devise more innovative ways to retain their market power and remain relevant in an increasingly competitive industry.

Your Home Grocer (YHG) is one of the leading supermarket chains in Australia, with about 100,000 staff members. There are about 800 stores in the chain all over Australia, with the first one being established 30 years ago. YHG is headquartered in Melbourne, but in terms of operation, each state capital has a company office that has significant autonomy in managing its individual state operations. Furthermore, each store manager is individually responsible for the day-to-day business operations of the store. However, the broad and strategic direction and planning are managed centrally at the headquarters office.

With recent investment into building data analytics capabilities in YHG, the newly created business unit, namely Data Lab, aims to bring together data analytics and retail capabilities across the organisation. As a centralised business unit, it will provide data analytics services and support to all other business units in the organisation, ranging from inventory management, marketing and advertising, new product development, etc. Katrina de Jong, the Head of Marketing, has reached out to Data Lab, to analyse some data obtained from the annual store survey of YHG and communicate the results back to her department.

A random sample of 350 stores was extracted and provided to Data Lab. In this assessment, you play the role of Misha Toutou, a data analyst at Data Lab. Katrina has written to you regarding her requests and/or queries regarding the annual store survey. Her email to you is reproduced below.

To:                   Misha Toutou, Data Analyst, Datos Lab Corporation From: Katrina de Jong, Chief Human Resource Officer Subject:  YHG Store Survey – Data Analytics

Dear Misha,

Thank you for your previous presentation. Please complete the following analysis for me and compile all the findings in a business report so I can prepare for the mid-year board meeting.

  • I would like to get an overall summary of the advertising expenses at Also, what is the proportion of advertising expenses below $100,000?
  • In addition, are there any differences in advertising expenses based on the following?
    1. Location
    2. Online Channel
  • Currently, the executives are developing the strategic plan for the next five years. Considering the consumer shopping behaviour due to the impact of COVID-19, one of the key focuses is to expand the online channel They are interested to find out the gross profit and advertising expenses in online space for YHG chain. Can you provide me with an estimate of the following?
    1. the proportion of all supermarkets that have an online channel
    2. the average gross profit for all supermarkets that have an online channel
    3. the average advertising expenses for all supermarkets that have an online channel
  • Strategically, the executives are also keen to brand YHG as one of the leading sustainable organisations in Australia. However, a recent industry report has claimed that YHG has at least 40% of the proportion of high level wastage compared to other competitors in the Could you please check if this claim is true for all supermarkets?
  • I have heard about predictive analytics, and I wonder if you would be able to find out what is (are) the factors(s) affecting the sales at YHG with such analytics technique?

Lastly,    based    on    your    analysis,    please    draw    a    conclusion    and    provide    your recommendation(s).

I look forward to receiving your business report soon.

Thanks, Katrina


MarketLine Case Study (2019) Coles ‘Little Shop’ campaign.

Mitchell, S. (2021) Woolworths doubles down on data, takes control of Quantium: quantium-20210420-p57knw

Victoria’s plan to halve food waste: mission/our-strategies/victorias-plan-to-halve-food-waste

Wallis, S. (2021) Supermarket statistic 2021: statistics-2021


Some guidelines for completing the assessment are provided below.

Part 1 – Data Analytics

Some guidelines to perform the analysis:

  • Apply and demonstrate the analytics techniques you have learned in this course (i.e. descriptive analytics, inferential statistics (i.e. confidence interval and hypothesis testing) and predictive analytics) using Microsoft
  • Use different worksheets for different questions in Microsoft
  • Consider the types of data and which appropriate analytics techniques should be applied to analyse the data you have in
  • Use 95% confidence level for the question(s) related to the confidence
  • Use and 5% level of significance for the question(s) hypothesis

Part 2 – Business Report

Some guidelines to prepare the business report:

  • Use headings for each section (i.e., Executive Summary, Background or Overview of Business Problem(s), Methodology, Findings, Recommendation(s) and )
  • Label your figures, tables and/or screenshots and cite them properly in your
  • Make use of Appendix and References sections as you see
  • Include proper in-text citations and attach a reference list using the Harvard referencing system for any references you have used to support your discussions and

Submission Format

For this assessment, you need to submit the following files via Canvas:

  • Business report in single PDF
  • Output/ results in Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx)

Word Limit: 2500 words +/- 10% (excluding Table of Content, Appendix, References, figures, tables, and screenshots)

  • Include word count below your name and student ID on the cover
  • Anything beyond the word limit will not be

Font Size: 11pt or 12pt

Font Style: Calibri or Times New Roman

Document Margins: 2.5cm for top, bottom, left and right

Spacing: Single or 1.5 spacing

File Type: single PDF file

You can go to Assignments > Assessment 3 > Assessment 3: Business Report (Individual)

to submit your final assessment within Canvas.

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