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Executive Officer - Speech

Welcome and thank all of you for demonstrating your help and enthusiasm for our great town of Bilby. I'm Sally Badawi, the Executive Officer of the Bilby Community Cultural Center. I need to promote and bolster assorted variety in our locale after listening to Mayor Barbara Kyle-Kennedy's recent declarations. 

As all of you know, we are energetically anticipating the arrival of 20 Sudanese families, the most up to date individuals from our socially rich network. The time of the gold rush in the 1850s demonstrates we can adjust to any relocation changes in Bilby. We simply need to indicate how inviting, strong and benevolent, we, the general population of Bilby are.

Comparative projects in different districts, for example, Shepparton and Warrnambool have appeared to be a colossal achievement. This achievement, notwithstanding, relies on the extent of help these families are given, from specific gatherings, for example, the Bilby Community Cultural Council to the help and benevolence of every individual in the network. 

The welcome and consideration of these new families to our township create opportunities for the present time and fate of Bilby. One of the opportunities which I'm eager to report is the Build Strong contract. This includes the development and set up of the new homes for these new families. 

By utilizing local people to manufacture these houses, we are making occupations and returning cash to Bilby. By expanding the populace in Bilby, business will pick up, with current organizations succeeding and chances of greater opportunities may even maximize. These new families and this agreement won't just profit Bilby for the short run, however, they add to the overall splendid fate of Bilby, and in particular the fate of us all.

In connection to the Autumn Gold Festival, the Bilby Community Cultural Center is as energized as I'm certain the entire network is for this occasion. I might want to propose a multicultural food festival to commend the socially differing culture we in Bilby are lucky to have. This food festival urges individuals to get engaged with the celebration and providing to the network, by cooking and selling their most traditional dishes. This gives the opportunity for individuals to interface and becomes more acquainted with one another better. The Autumn Gold Festival, alongside the expansion of the multicultural food fair, is an awesome thought for uniting the network and celebrating and taking pride in the rich multiculturalism we have here. 

I trust it is so vital for each and every one of us who live in Bilby, to meet up and get engaged with all these future changes. Greet our new Sudanese families wholeheartedly. Demonstrate to them the help and cordiality they require. Engage with the Autumn Gold Festival, regardless of whether that be setting up a stall or even simply going to it. The achievement and fate of Bilby rely upon the interest and eagerness of the community of Bilby. We are a dedicated gathering of individuals brimming with graciousness, acknowledgment, and flexibility, and I anticipate the energizing future we as a whole have here in the town of Bilby.

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