MMS704 Sport Ethics & Integrity - Analysing Risks To Sport Ethics And Integrity - Assignment Help

Analysing risks to sport ethics and integrity

You have been appointed to consult a small to medium National Sport Organisation (choose an NSO from the list here). Your role is to analyze the specific ethics and integrity risks associated with that sport. As part of your role, the board of the NSO has asked you to develop a report as to how the sport can best mitigate sport ethics and integrity risks that it may need to consider.

The report must contain the following sections:

  1. Observe and describe the ethical risks within the context of your chosen sport
  2. Analyse and evaluate potential areas of sport ethics and integrity risks
  3. Practical recommendations for mitigating the ethical risks

1.  Observe and describe the ethical risks within the context of your chosen sport (800 words)

Observe and describe the sport you have chosen. This analysis should consider:

  • A brief description of the sport (e.g., describe the sport, who participates, professional leagues, media exposure, facilities )
  • The nature of the sporting activity (e.g., potential for injury, adult-minor relationships, physical spaces, presence of betting markets, prevalence of doping )
  • The implicit culture, norms, assumptions and biases within the sport (e.g., what is accepted in the sport but not elsewhere such as the workplace, the sport ethic, moral disengagement)
  • The presence of policies and procedures (e.g., existing policies, education and accreditation requirements, staff responsible for ethics, links to Sport Integrity Australia or WADA)

The purpose of this overview is to be broad but concise, with your observations supported by evidence. Use tables, figures, and intext citations to condense information in order to provide as thorough an overview as possible within the word limit.

2.  Analyse and evaluate potential areas of sport ethics and integrity risks (400 words)

Choose one area where you perceive there to be an ethical risk to the sport. The purpose of this section is to observe what is absent, implied, or assumed from task one. Violations of sport ethics and integrity often occur because either individuals or groups were assumed to be behaving correctly (e.g., abuse, injury, doping) and/or because policies and procedures were absent.

For each area of the ethical risk briefly summarize:

  • Why it is a
  • How this risk has manifested in other sport
  • The areas in which the NSOs current approach is insufficient or

3.  Practical recommendations for mitigating the ethical risks (800 words)

The final task is to develop practical recommendations to be implemented by the NSO. A range of resources have been provided to you in this unit (e.g., PBTR, SIA, the NIF, Ethics Centre). Your role is to provide logical recommendations, supported by a strong rationale to the NSO board. These recommendations need to be pragmatic, consider the available resources of the organization, and be clearly supported by evidence.

Features this section could include are:

  • Logical recommendations - that presents a clear rationale as to why action is needed and the implications of (in)action for the
  • Implementation - that considers the pragmatic actions required to implement the above recommendations (e.g., time, cost, and staffing constraints).
  • Evidence: Snippets and screenshots of relevant policy and education resources that demonstrate how these recommendations have been implemented in other settings (e.g., the NIF, PBTR, SIA, examples from other sports etc). Please ensure that any imagery is referenced

4a. Report Writing Conventions and Submission Format

Please include a title page, table of contents, executive summary (max 200 words) and reference list in your report.

4b. Word Count: The total final submission word count is 2000 words. This does not include text in title page, table of contents, executive summary (max 200 words), tables, figures, reference lists or appendices.

4c. References: Please reference all the external information you put into the report. Referencing should be in APA 7th style, click here for a guide to referencing.

Submission Instructions

Submit into the relevant assessment dropbox folder, include your assessment title AND your name

AND your student number in the file name.

Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. 'Day' means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.

For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.

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