Foundations Of Public Health - Assignment Help

Assignment learning outcomes:

Successful completion of this assignment will demonstrate

  • that students have engaged in a substantive and critical way with evidence relating to an important contemporary public health issue; and
  • understanding, application and analysis of key public health/population health concepts and principles as they relate to an important public health issue.

Your task

The major assignment gives students the opportunity to directly engage with Sustainable Development Goal 3, which is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. SDG 3 has 13 targets, but this assignment asks student to select ONE of the following three target areas and answer in essay format the related assignment questions. The selected target areas are Target 3.5, (drug and alcohol) 3.6 (road traffic accidents) or 3.7 (Universal access to reproductive and sexual health services)

Topic 1

SDG Target 3.5 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol

Harm relating to alcohol misuse is a significant public health challenge in remote Australian Indigenous communities. Present evidence about this problem and identify and discuss public health actions that have or could be taken to address the problem, including both barriers and enablers to taking action.


Topic 2  

SDG Target 3.6 By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents

The global burden of disease related to road traffic accidents is growing. India has the highest mortality rate in the world from road traffic accidents. Present evidence about this problem and identify and discuss public health actions that have or could be taken to address the problem, including both barriers and enablers to taking action.


Topic 3

SDG target 3.7 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes

People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ) may experience poorer health outcomes related to sexual and reproductive health. Present evidence about this problem in a country of your choice and identify and discuss public health actions that have or could be taken to address the problem, including both barriers and enablers to taking action.

General guidance on preparation of the Major Assignment (detailed rubric available on LMS)

  • Whichever topic you choose, you need to provide analysis of the issues, not simply description. You will need to present relevant literature and point out any debates or uncertainties in the literature relating to the public health issue that is the focus of your chosen topic.
  • Define key terms
  • Please make sure that your essay has a beginning, middle and an end and write in sentences and paragraphs, not dot-points. See the essay writing guide on LMS and other essay writing resources provided by Academic Skills for guidance on structuring your assignment.
  • Where relevant draw upon concepts and principles presented in the lectures that are relevant to your topic and use readings available in LMS as well as references from your own research.
  • Make sure you address all the questions within the assignment topic.
  • Referencing must be complete and accurate. Wherever possible, reference primary sources e.g., references used in the lecture, rather than referencing lectures.  If in doubt about the primary source, ask the lecturer.
  • In choosing a referencing style, we recommend either APA (7th) or Vancouver. Please use consistently and accurately throughout the assignment.
  • The University of Melbourne library website has an excellent guide to correct referencing which if followed should help students to avoid accidental citation errors. See
  • Grounds for extensions for the assignment are found on LMS in the assessment folder. Any requests for extension must be made to the Academic Programs Manager, Ms Elizabeth Dent, email [email protected]
  • Submitting your assignment: upload it through the Assignment tab found on the Assignment page on LMS page.
  • Late submission without an extension will attract a late penalty as per the policy: deduction of 5% per day for each day late for the first week; a mark of only 50% is available in the second week that the assignment is submitted late, and if submitted after two weeks without an extension or special consideration, the assignment will not be marked.
  • Please use your name, initial and selected topic number in the name of the assignment you submit on LMS. e.g. MCKENZIE_R_Topic1.docx
  • A detailed marking rubric has been created and will be posted separately on LMS.

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