Market Opportunity Report - Assessment 2

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You are expected to research market opportunities, and develop a 'Market Opportunity Report' highlighting the opportunities and challenges that exist for an Australian company's products/services entry into a country of your choosing in Asia. The selected company must currently NOT be operating or distributing products/services in the Asia market you have selected. You may NOT contact the organization during the completion of this assessment.
Students must advise their facilitator / instructor of their chosen Asian country market and the Australian company and its designated products/services that will be launched into that country market for approval no later than Friday, 22nd March. The objective of developing a Market Opportunity Report is to identify international marketing opportunities in your focus market for an existing Australian organization of your choosing and complete the early sections of a comprehensive international business plan. The concluding section of the international business plan will form the basis of Assessment 3. You will need to conduct research on products/services with which they might plan on entering the market, as well as research the most current PESTEL issues specific to doing business in that count Issues include, but are not limited to economic analysis, political and legal/regulatory risk, social / cultural / ethical nuances that require adaptation, technology risks and issues and any environment issues that need to be considered.
You will also need to analyze the skills, resources and capabilities of your chosen organization with respect to entering this new international market. The assignment should be a maximum of 3000 words. It is strongly recommended to use headings/sub-headings to highlight changes in topic.

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