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As a small group**, students will research, analyse and critically appraise an existing activism campaign aimed at addressing a social or environmental issue.
Each team is required to choose ONE campaign from the following list:
Once the campaign of interest has been chosen, students will critically analyse and appraise campaign objectives, planning, design and outcomes and write up their findings in s business report.
This assessment requires students to actively engage and work collaboratively with a diverse range of students to be able to understand the perspectives of others; therefore, small groups of 5 (groups will be formed in week 3 or 4) will be formed by self-selection (with the support of the lecturer) however, you are highly recommended to have a range of disciplines, ages, cultural and linguistic skills as the greater the diversity of your group, the broader the range of ideas that will be available to you. This assessment task provides students an opportunity for inter-cultural learning, which requires a culturally heterogeneous mix of students.
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