BSBMKG440 Apply Marketing Communication Across a Convergent Industry - Communication Report - Assignment Help

Assessment instructions:

Scenario, practical and project activities

·         You must respond to all activities and you must address them to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.

·         Your assessor will give you feedback once this assessment task is marked.

Purpose of the assessment task:

Evidence required to demonstrate the ability to:

·         Identify existing convergent tools and techniques in the marketing communication environment and assess their applicability

·         Develop convergent tools and techniques, where required, for use within a marketing communication industry and for a customer-centric environment

·         Confirm suitability and cost-effectiveness of the convergent tools and techniques

Assessment conditions and resources:

Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated work environment and students will have access to the following:

·     Links / access to legislation and regulations relevant to marketing across a convergent industry

·     workplace documentation and resources for marketing across a convergent industry such as marketing plan, marketing strategy and advertising brief, learner guide and internet to conduct research.

·     Virtual company – Bounce Fitness


Read the case study below and complete all activities below.


The Centre Manager of Bounce Fitness Sydney Centre, your manager, wants to develop and to promote the launch of the new product with the aim of making as many sales as possible, as well as having the opportunity to gather customer feedback on the new item.

Your manager forwarded your report (Task 2) was sent to all Bounce Fitness managers for their review. All have agreed that the report had suitable content, ideas and information about marketing and communication activities and suitable tools for Bounce Fitness.

They all agreed to organise a meeting and discuss how Bounce Fitness plans to continue with building marketing opportunities for Bounce Fitness to promote the new product and services.

Following week, you and your manager attended a TEAMS meeting which was attended by all Bounce Fitness Centre manager from all over Australia. The meeting minutes recorded discussions and explanations about:

·         your report (Task 2). Other discussions also included

·         how, why and when and what marketing and communications tools are currently used and

·         which marketing and communications tools would suite Bounce Fitness clients, staff and customers

·         that Bounce Fitness is well-known for its customer services to ALL its customers, both internal and external and this must continue

·         all documents, resources and tools which are developed, for and by Bounce Fitness, must reflect great customer service; and

·         Implementation and development of marketing and communications tools, selection of techniques on how to use the selected tools and use of the tools.

As part of the implementation process for the communications tools, it has been decided that you can start with the following topics. However, your manager has asked for the following:

Topic 1.   Create a customer-centric app for Bounce Fitness proposal to promote the new product/services.

a.    Explain how the features of the app can be used to make the app customer-centric.

b.    The manager encouraged you to contact an expert to verify violability of the features. (note: this may be a quote, research on the internet information, brochures researched and communication with industry specific experts)

Topic 2.   Develop convergent and customer-centric tools using customer-centric and staff friendly techniques:

a.    Create fit-for-purpose and effective tools suitable to Bounce Fitness and its customers and staff

b.    Select solutions and techniques which work well within the convergent media environment; and

c.    Establish processes that empower Bounce Fitness current and future clients and customers.

Topic 3.   Develop a procedure (or policy and procedures) to ensure that client and customer messaging process can be used:

a.    across multiple distribution points

b.    at suitable however different times

c.    by various relevant staff in all Bounce Fitness centres, and

d.    accessed by clients and customers in all Bounce Fitness centres

When these are completed you must organise another meeting and present the, so far, prepared tools for their comments and feedback prior to moving onto any of the other relevant tools and / or documentation.

  • Your manager wants to promote the launch of the new product/services and take the opportunity for customer feedback on the new product/services as soon as possible so: GUIDE: 120+ WORDS to 300+ WORDS

You set to work immediately and complete:

  • review your report (Task 2) for the list of communications tools you have identified in the report
  • select the appropriate tools, write a proposal for the creation of the selected tools and techniques which are most suitable for divergent media and Bounce Fitness use
  • create a proposal for a customer-centric app for Bounce Fitness to promote the new product. Explain how the features of this app are customer-centric
  • where possible, collaborate with an expert to verify the viability of the features. (this may be obtaining a quote or information from the expert on the development of materials, or be led by your assessor)
  • utilise the Bounce Fitness style guide you used in task 2 and attach the proposal in the space below.
  • Project and practical activity. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS to 300+ WORDS

Based on your proposal (3.1), your manager asked you to propose and develop (create) most suitable convergent and customer-centred tools and techniques relevant to Bounce Fitness communications and promotional activities that you listed in your report.

In this activity you are to develop:

  • develop a client and customer messaging fit-for-purpose effective tool, select a suitable technique to use and promote, choose appropriate solution that can be engaged by target groups across multiple distribution points in all Bounce Fitness Centres and convergent media environment and used by all relevant staff. (note: these can be templates, printing templates for use e.g. style guide for posters or uploaded for social media or any other tools or techniques or solutions students wish to create).
  • where possible, collaborate with an expert if required and record all communication or the expert input. Use the below and demonstrate your collaboration, insert details, e.g. email communication or conversations or quotes or flyers etc…
Develop a tool for messaging to clients and customers that can be used by all staff in all centres to communicate to its clients. This can be notices, printed documentation, social medial template that can be used for advertising for all centres on social media. Etc…
  • develop process or a procedures Bounce Fitness staff and any other stakeholders that will guide them during all communication and application activities and utilised across multiple distribution points at Bounce Fitness centres across Australia
  • Refer to and utilise the Bounce Fitness style guide you used in task 2.
Develop a process for messaging to clients and customers that can be used by all staff in all centres to communicate to its clients.
  • Read the following scenario and prepare for implementation. GUIDE: 300+ WORDS

You have developed the tools, chose techniques and selected solutions for Bounce Fitness and sent it to your manager for approval and feedback.

The manager in principal agreed and approved all developed materials you submitted for feedback but as discussed during the last meeting and as part of the implementation process he organised a manager’s meeting.

He invited selected staff and other relevant Bounce Fitness stakeholders who will be able to provide feedback on the customer-centric tools, techniques and solutions and procedures.

For the meeting you need to prepare to develop presentation tools for you to successfully present your developed marketing and communication tool, your proposed techniques to use, convergent technologies selected and to gain agreement from them for you to continue with the development of the other convergent tools, techniques.

The meeting discussions will also include:

·         Next implementation step to implement the convergent tools and techniques for marketing and communication

·         What channels can be establishment of channels to respond to customer perspectives

·         What can be established to maintain expert and business networks related to marketing communication convergence

·         Develop a tool which will record names of those who attended the meeting and who are involved with marketing and communications activities and who wish to become business network contacts.

·         Develop a register for professional business network (under the heading insert Marketing and Communication) and discuss on the maintenance needs of the register so it always remains current.

You have been asked to produce meeting minutes for your manager to approve prior to disseminating the meeting minutes and all developed presentation tools you used during the meeting to the rest of the managers, staff and stakeholders who attended the meeting for their records.

Your manager will email you back with feedback once you send your meeting minutes and any attachments for approval.


1.  Your manager will be appointed by your assessor, it may be a suitable student, colleague or it may be the assessor.

2.  Team work and communication is a requirement of this unit and must be demonstrated to gain competency in this unit: Part of this unit (which is published by the Australian Government) requires you to demonstrate effective team work, and positive communication. For this purpose, you are required to send your prepared agenda items to your invited attendees who will attend the meeting, so you are able to check if they wish to add to the agenda. You need to give them due date to respond and collect minimum of 1 response which must be copied and pasted in this space. 

3.  Your assessor will assist you with appointing your team members, or register your group so all students in class are able to complete this activity. You may choose to use emails (USE ONLY student and assessor email addresses)’ or you may choose to use MS TEAMS, or and if you are in the classroom, you may be select other students to assist with your meeting.

4.  All meetings using e.g. MS TEAMS must be recorded and uploaded for your assessor to observe and assess your practical skills.

  1. Prepare all documentation for your meeting and have it approved by your manager prior to presenting it. The documentation should include:
    • Meeting agenda items which will be discussed in the meeting (refer to the above scenario and your reports)


Contact person for collecting agenda items
Team members invited to provide comments  
What information will be delivered and what documentation needs to be reviewed prior to the meeting: Responsibilities to discuss, distribute, deliver or present
points that need to be discussed and who will be discussing them.   
  • Meeting minute template – prepare Meeting Minutes (communications report) so you are able to record of topics covered during the meeting.
  • Develop your meeting presentation tools to help you present to the group.

You can use any of the following which can be either printed and handed to your fellow students (those appointed to role-play the meeting); or

you may choose to use TEAMS to send your documents for them to review prior to the meeting; or

you may choose to use your student email address and email the documentation for the group’s review and then discuss these during your meeting and obtain their feedback.

  1. Extracts from your report and/or
  2. PowerPoint presentation and/or
  • Handouts from the information collected and resources you used.
  • Use the following table to either develop, copy/paste or advise where the document was saved. All documents must be saved in MSWord or PDF document.

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