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HVAC is emerging as a demanding system of construction industry due to its efficiency. It provides the ability of air filtration through which atmosphere of residency can be improved. However, along with comfort costing is complementary whereby buying behavior of people can be influenced. In order to make residencies of Sydney affordable for all section of people, it needs to employ the cost-effective technique. Thus current research sheds light on the cost reduction technique of construction industry using the HVAC system. Since HVAC is used for enhancing the comfort level thus, it also includes research questions regarding this topic. Additionally, research focuses on research design for proper execution of the research. 

Motivations for the research

It has been observed by the engineers that due to the utilization of HVAC system issues related to odor are emerging as a challenge for the engineers. Thus the research has focused on odor mitigation technique through which indoor people can feel refreshed. Since malodor has repelled people from purchasing building thus, it has impacted the revenue of construction industry directly (Influenced by Afram & Janabi-Sharifi, 2014). Alongside this, appropriate product costing is the prime objective of research propagation. Since without apt costing technique, people cannot be attracted thus this research sheds light on costing management also. As for example, it can be observed that due to the higher cost many buildings are becoming unaffordable. Hence, in order to make this residential planning more budgetary this research has focused on cost reduction methods (Influenced by Ascione et al. 2017). However, this research can benefit the construction organizations initially, but along with this construction, organization customers can also be helped.

It can be observed that due to the implementation of HVAC in the residency air filtration is becoming easier. Hence, the people of Sydney can be provided with a healthy atmosphere in their residency. Moreover, the inclusion of HVAC in the residencies can be effectively used as cost reduction system. Thus, by implementing this system people of all section can be influenced by the construction authority (Influenced by Khazaeli, Estrada & Lee, 2016). Hence, the research has intended to shot out the cost-effective technique of cost reduction. Besides this, huge sections of Sydney people are interested in purchasing residencies that are HVAC formed. 

However, due to monetary issues their desires never get fulfilled. Hence, cost reduction for customer base enhancement is another prime factor that has influenced the research propagation. Similarly, in the case of the real estate business it is often observed that costing allocated for materials becomes insufficient (Cuce & Riffat, 2015). Due to this lack of similarity in the allocation and demand project regarding construction often face challenges during the prospect. Hence, one of the major aspects of this research is to improve the estimation technique of the industry through which demand and supply equilibrium can be maintained in the organization.

The significance of the study

The research is mainly focusing in cost reduction technique of the HVAC formed residencies along with odor elimination of indoor. Hence, it requires a proper protocol that can be implemented in this research for the technological advancement. Apart from this, the inclusion of advanced technology, in turn, makes residency more expensive as it enhances the manufacturing costs of buildings (Huang, Huang & Wang, 2015). Hence current study is concentrating on cost reduction whereby the high price of the buildings can be managed by real estate companies. However, it is not possible to reduce the cost of building enormously since material prices of a building are enhancing significantly. Thus this study has also focused on the extent of cost reduction. 

Apart from this, it can be observed that HVAC, in turn, produces energy efficiency whereby energy consumption of residency can be reduced. Since in this current era energy efficiency has emerged as a vital issue thus without reducing energy consumption customer base intensification is not possible (Krarti, 2016). This research is concentrating on energy consumption reduction techniques also. Hence, by transfusing this knowledge inside this paper, current research can offer profound expertise regarding energy management techniques of HVAC. Moreover, it can be noted that the TRCA Archetype is also applied in HVAC houses in order to provide in-depth knowledge regarding cost management. Thus the significance of the current research is to focus on cost-effective modeling that is useful for the HVAC system improvement.

In a similar vein, decision making is another vital factor for the prospect of every industry. Hence, the current study has focused on decision making of people also whereby psychology of people can be influenced. As obtained by Afram et al. (2017), HVAC systems are getting a huge positive response due to their extensive features. As for example, the HVAC system is useful for indoor temperature management. Thus, the inclusion of this system, in turn, attracts people towards the residency. Apart from this, HVAC is provided with the ability of weather forecasting whereby people of the residency can take necessary actions before the occurrence of challenges. However, in order to incorporate this advanced features organization needs stable cash flow which is another focus of this study.

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