Action Accounting Workplace Scenario - Assignment Help


  • Appendix A Action Accounting Workplace Scenario

Using the Case Study you are required to:

  • Provide a case outline
  • Identify the fundamental principles of the Code and relevance within scenario
  • Describe the ethical decision-making approach taken
  • Develop an Implementation Plan to address the ethical issue
  • Implement and evaluate the plan and the resulting outcomes
  • Conduct a self-evaluation and identify opportunities for improvement

 Part A – Analysis and implementation plan.

(Record your analysis and findings against the headings below, removing the bracketed prompts before submission.)

Frame the ethical situation
Case outline (Consider the Industry/situational context and any additional or associated facts that may influence the situation.)
Fundamental Principles of the Code (Provide definitions of each below and identify how and/or where these relate to the scenario.)
Integrity (Consider the honesty and integrity of actions and/or activity to date, eg. Any instances of misrepresentation, selective omission, partial truth or dishonesty.)
Objectivity (Include descriptions of the six possible psychological tendencies and decision-making biases, and how these may impact on the understanding of this situation.)
Professional competence and due care (Identify relevant legislative, regulatory, industry, code, enterprise and/or organisational requirements, with specific reference to APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Part A))
Confidentiality (Identify the complexity and sensitivities of the matter.)
Professional behaviour (Consider behaviours that may discredit the profession including possible legal or regulatory breaches / outcomes if the situation is not addressed. Consider the possible impact on the organisational reputation, including if the situation became known to the client base or general public.)
Ethical decision-making approach (Describe your decision-making process through the following headings from the APES GN 40.)
Identify relevant facts (Include the data and other research information required to be gathered.)
Identify affected parties (Identify the stakeholders impacted by this situation, their roles and responsibilities and possible varying perspectives, including your own.)
Determine whether (policies including) a procedure of conflict resolution exist within the organisation (Consider the company’s policies and procedures and relevant organisational purpose, goals and values. Consider whether polices or procedures are required to assist with such situations.)
Consider who should be involved in the conflict resolution process (Identify a minimum of two sources of advice and/or support, and the key stakeholders and responsibilities in this conflict resolution process.)


Discuss the ethical dilemma with relevant parties (Consult with a trusted advisor and one other specialist advice source and note their recommendations for this managing the reporting of this situation – independently or with support.)
Implementation Plan (Develop an implementation / action plan using the points below as a guide.)
Preferred course of action   
Risk assessment including stakeholder concerns and possible challenges / barriers , such as biases and tendencies situational, psychological, rationalisations  
Best means to address and/or respond to challenges/barriers related to the implementation plan  
Organisational procedures and/or protocols to be followed and/or required to be created
Communication strategy – stakeholders to be consulted, means and sequence, strategies to acknowledge and reduce concerns  
Justification of your decision to independently report the issue, or use the support of a  specialist or trusted colleague)  

Part B – Implementation and evaluation

This task requires you to demonstrate practical and communication skills which need to be observed by your Assessor.

These skills and activities are to be demonstrated in a video recording

When recording please confirm your identify as the student being assessed with name and student number, plus record consent from all participants at the beginning of the task.

It is assumed you have implemented your plan to address the ethical situation at hand. You are required to present your findings to ‘the Manager’ in your scenario, to evaluate the outcomes of your implementation plan.

In preparation for this activity:

  • Predict three outcomes from the implementation of your plan; these can be positive and/or negative, consider the details to provide to your Manager.
  • Negotiate with ‘your Manager’ to review your implementation plan and the outcomes.(‘The Manager’ can be your Assessor, a colleague or class member.)
  1. Contact ‘the Manager’ to verbally present your recommended response to the ethical situation and the associated outcomes.
  2. Conduct your discussion with your Manager, demonstrating the following:
  • professional communication skills, encouraging collaborative decision making towards a positive outcome
  • active listening and asking probing, clarifying questions
  • speaking confidently and positively using relevant industry terminology
  • provide a brief overview of your plan referencing any frameworks used and ethical, legislative or organisational  requirements
  • discuss the implementation of your recommendations and the resulting outcomes
  • identify and address any possible challenges, barriers, rationalisations
  • discuss whether the recommendations resolved the situationand alternative strategies 
  • identify possible consequences and/or implications of any actions on stakeholders
  • seek Manager’s feedback to recommendations and overall presentation 
  • summarise the key points and outcomes of the discussion
  • thank the Managerand close the conversation

Part C – Self-evaluation

Following the discussion with the Manager briefly evaluate your plan, its implementation and the discussion with your Manager in a separate video recording.

  Analyse the outcomes / response to your recommendations by addressing the following questions:
Did you reach agreement with the Manager?If not, what other actions could or should be taken to reach a satisfactory solution.   
Identify one factor you have learned about your own values, abilities and actions and one strategy to improve in the future.   
Identify one issue the process revealed about the organisational values, and one procedure or process that could be developed or improved to address this issue.  
Describe one alternative approach for future ethical issues.  

Submission requirements:

Review the Marking Criteria provided for this task to ensure you have evidenced all requirements.

Follow the instructions in Connect to submit your assessment, demonstrating your ability to:

  • Follow organisational procedures
  • Use business technology
  • Communicate professionally
  • Use business terminology / language
  • Organise and present information professionally eg. relevant documents / templates, formatting, grammar and spelling.

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