PPMP20010 Executing & Closing Projects Assessment 2 Part 1

The project audit report is a tool used to substantiate to the stakeholders of a project that the goals and objectives of the project are being met and important items or deliverables are being produced by the project. This audit report is a vital communication tool that is used as the basis for ensuring that the stakeholders acknowledge the project success and accept the outcomes.

Kerzner (2017) in Section 11.32 identifies five different types of project audits – performance, compliance, quality, exit, and best practices. Audits do not have to occur at the end of a project but can occur during the project life cycle as health checks and quality audits.

Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2017) states that an audit review is typically undertaken at the end of each stage and at the end of the project. Kerzner (2017) in Section 11.32 states the audits can be scheduled or random and can be performed by in-house personnel or external examiners.

Directing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009) Section 9.3.1 identifies that there are four metrics that may be valuable – progress, quality, change and risk. Each auditable category should have a value to the project and future projects.

Please complete this report in the context of the case study provided within the Assessment block on Moodle website.

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Project Audit Report

Project name:                  

Project ownership:               

Report prepared by:                          

Report date:                    

Distribution list:                   

1          List two (2) issues you identified from the case study resources publicly available or discovered in the audit reports conducted for the case study (200-300 words)

Issue 1
Issue 2

2          Provide two (2) reasons for each issue (400-500 words)

Issue 1 Reason 1
Reason 2
Issue 2 Reason 1
Reason 2

3          Provide two (2) recommendations for each issue (400-500 words)

Issue 1 Recommendation 1
Recommendation 2
Issue 2 Recommendation 1
Recommendation 2

4          Describe how the above issues affected meeting the specified objectives of the project (400-500 words)

5          Actual performance: state whether following criteria have been met / not met/ partially met for this project and provide reasons for not met or partially met (200-300 words)

Criteria Met /

Not Met / Partially Met

Reasons (Not Met / Partially Met) Criteria


  • At least five (5) references along with in-text citations must be provided which are relevant to the case study provided.


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