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DDD60008 Visualisation and Presentation Techniques

Project Description

Assessment PQ: Infographic Project

Project Breakdown and Due DatesProject Weighting TP%

Week HI         Online submission – M5%

HH.MP pm Friday U5 October, submit PDF via Canvas

“Today, the use of the word infographics has evolved to include a new definition that means a larger graphic design that combines data visualizations, illustrations, text, and images together into a format that tells a complete story. In this use of the word, data visualizations by themselves are no longer considered to be complete infographics but are a powerful tool that designers often use to help tell their story visually in an infographic”. – Randy Krum1

The focus in Assessment 1 was on interpreting and representing complex quantitative data in the form of a visualisation. Assessment 2 extends this notion into the world of infographics by combining data visualisations with illustrations, text, images and other types of graphics to create a larger design that uses a greater variety of visual elements to tell a story. In this case, our larger design will be an 8-page booklet, and our story will be about a day in our lives during the global pandemic.

Effective infographics should have:

  • Utility: The infographic has an objective and the design supports that objective;
  • Soundness: The infographic has meaning and integrity, and the content should be of interest to the intended audience;
  • Beauty: The infographic should accurately represent the information in a way that enhances the story you are trying to 2

  1. Krum, (2014). Cool Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design. John Wiley & Sons. Books24x7, (p. 6).
  2. Adapted from: Lankow, , Ritchie, J., & Crooks, R. (2012). Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, (pp. 197-201).

Assessment 2 asks you to collect data about yourself during a 24-hour period during the global pandemic and present your findings using infographics as a communication technique.

It is up to you what information you include about your life, but some examples are:

  • Daily routine
  • Wake time
  • Sleep time
  • Study time
  • How many cups of coffee
  • Number of songs listened to
  • Names of songs listened to
  • How many minutes (or hours!) of Netflix, YouTube,
  • Exercise

Consider whether any data is already being collected for you. There are many apps on your phone that will have some information you can use (Health app, online banking, WhatsApp – e.g. ‘I sent 6 messages to 2 different people, and received 10 messages from 3 different people).

You will need to produce a combination of data visualisations, text, photography, illustrations and other types of graphics to present your data in the form of an 8-page booklet (A4 PDF). The booklet will be accompanied by a supporting document (A4 PDF). A template including an outline of the content you need to cover and expected word counts is provided on Canvas.

Please refer to the work of Nicholas Feltron for inspiration on how to present personal data:

 Project Schedule 

Week 7

  • Data collection: Collect personal data over one 24-hour period this
  • Narrative structure: Develop a narrative structure from the information you have Are there gaps where you need to include more information? Does the story progress logically?
  • Develop your communication strategy: Who are you communicating to and what are their communication needs?

Week 8

  • Booklet template: Develop a template for your booklet that utilises an effective grid structure and typographic hierarchy. Prepare different templates for different combinations of content (e.g. text only, text and image, image only).
  • Draft infographics: Start converting qualitative and quantitative data into graphic

Week 9

  • Prepare draft booklet: Prepare a draft version of your booklet for in-class critique in Week

Week 10

  • Group critique: Present your draft booklet to the class for peer feedback, and amend your draft for next week based on

Week 11

  • Finalise booklet: Use feedback to finalise your
  • Finalise supporting document: Ensure your supporting document contains all required information, is free of errors (proof-read), and is accurately and appropriately
  • Prepare for desktop exhibition: Ensure your booklet is ready to be displayed during Week 6 class Be prepared to speak briefly about your booklet, and/or answer questions from your peers.

Week 12

  • Desktop exhibition: In-class exhibition.
  • Blackboard submission: Assessment 2 submitted to Canvas by 59pm Friday 30 October.

Submission Requirements

  • 1 x A4 PDF booklet (submitted to Canvas and exhibited in class). 8 pages in length is a good Shorter or longer presentations must be negotiated and approved by the lecturer.
  • 1 x supporting This must be submitted in PDF format to Canvas.
  • It is expected that your supporting document will make reference to academic sources to support your approach to the project. Harvard and APA referencing systems are both acceptable in this unit. Guides are provided on Canvas and can also be accessed via the Swinburne Library

Assessment Requirements

Assessment Requirements are outlined in the Assessment 2 Rubric available on Canvas. Please ensure you read the rubric carefully to maximize your success in this unit.

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