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Aim: This assignment aims to assess ULOs 1, 2, and 3 for the unit of study.

Nature of assessment: Individual task. Word limit: 2,000 words (+/- 10%) Due date: April 19 (before midnight)

Submission: Turnitin submission is compulsory.

Rubric: Refer to the Assignment 2 Marking Rubric below.

Late penalty: 10% of final mark for every 24 hours of late submission (includes weekend)

The Assignment

A digital marketing audit is a current state assessment of all the practices, strategies, and outcomes of a brand's efforts to establish the state of its online presence. It is important to conduct this assessment regularly (6 to 12 months is common) as it reveals what is performing, what is lagging and opportunities for improvement. Without an audit, brands run the risk of their digital marketing efforts and investments being off track. A digital marketing audit can therefore lead to a reassessment of the entire digital strategy.

The assignment is designed to build and assess your skills in analysing a brand's digital marketing presence through conducting a digital marketing audit. Your client for the assignment is CERES Fair Food - an online organic grocer and carbon neutral food delivery service ( (Links to an external site.)). CERES Fair Food is also the client for Assignment 3, which builds on your findings from this assignment.

What you need to do:

  1. Early in the semester, you will receive a brief from CERES Fair Food to provide background information and Review all of the relevant materials that will be provided to you so you can familiarise yourself with the business and brand, including their corporate goals (nb: you may also wish to do some of your own research).
  2. Assess the current state of CERES Fair Food's digital marketing activity, using your own observation and any relevant analytic
  3. Report your findings in the form of a digital marketing audit (nb: tables and/or figures are useful for summarising some of this information). Consider addressing the following questions:
  • Which digital tactics, channels and platforms are employed (e.g. search, social media, mobile, video, content, influencer, etc)? How is each performing?
  • What goals does CERES Fair Food seem to be pursuing via digital marketing? How does this align with what they are (or should be) doing with digital marketing?
  • Is the brand message clear and consistent across platforms?
  • Is the content simple, consistent and high quality?
  • What types of posts are most (and least) successful for each platform? Why is this the case?
  • What is CERES Fair Food achieving using digital marketing? What is performing well? What is not?
  1. Comment on how CERES Fair Food's current digital audience compares to their target audience, as well as ideas for how CERES Fair Food might better engage their target audience digitally (nb: draw on your knowledge and skills from Assignment 1). Consider addressing the following questions:
  • Who are current followers? Who are the influencers?
  • How are followers engaging? With what? When? In what way?
  • What audience is CERES Fair Food currently reaching through their digital marketing? Do you believe CERES Fair Food is engaging their audience effectively? Should be targeting these consumers or a different group?
  1. Given your digital marketing audit findings, identify some key areas for strategic improvement (nb: these might relate platforms, content, and audience targeting, for example). Consider addressing the following questions:
  • What areas of CERES Fair Food's digital marketing strategy seem to be most in need of improvement (justify your recommendations using the audit findings)?
  • Are there any obvious suggestions or ideas to improve CERES Fair Food's digital marketing efforts?

Recommended structure:

Your digital marketing audit should be presented in business report format and include numbered headings, such as the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction (to CERES Fair Food and assignment)
  • Digital Marketing Audit
  • Recommendations
  • References

Declaration and Statement of Authorship

All students must agree to the following declaration when submitting assessment items

  1. I/we have not impersonated, or allowed myself/ourselves to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this
  2. This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is
  3. No part of this assessment has been written for me/us by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher
  4. I/we have not previously submitted this work for a previous attempt of the unit, another unit or other studies at another
  5. I/we give permission for my/our assessment response to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for plagiarism detection, benchmarking or educational

I/we understand that:

  • Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the University.
  • Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written documents, interpretations, computer software, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through working with another person or in a
  • Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data and oral Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.

I/we agree and acknowledge that:

  1. I/we have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship
  2. I/we accept that use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assessment constitutes my agreement to the Declaration and Statement of
  3. If I/we do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my/our aggregate score for this

Task 1

This activity is designed to get you started on Assignment 2, the digital marketing audit.

Your individual task is to conduct a mini digital marketing audit of CERES Fair Food.

  • Analyse the data available about CERES Fair Food (i.e. website, social media ) to conduct a digital marketing audit.
  • Come up with three insights into either opportunities or areas for improvement in their current digital marketing.
  • Make sure you have evidence to back up your claims and insights.

Task 2

This task is designed to give you some time to allocate into groups for Assignment 3 and get you started on this assignment as a group.

Spend some time thinking about who you would like to work with, and feel free to reach out and chat to them.

  • Form groups of 4 students max for Assignment 3, the strategic marketing plan.
  • Allocate yourselves into your groups on
  • Set your group up for collaboration (use Microsoft Teams, Slack, Email, or any other channel you wish).

Once you have formed your groups, your task is to develop some objectives for CERES Fair Food

  • As a group, review your findings from the mini digital marketing audit you completed
  • You may wish to conduct some additional analysis – think about their target audience, persona journeys, current digital presence, etc.
  • Using your insights about CERES Fair Food, develop 3 SMART objectives.

Expert's Answer

Ceres Fair Food is a social enterprise, working as a not for profit, as all its profits are redistributed to CERES environment park in Brunswick. The brand is all about organic food, and its business model is slightly different as compare to other companies operating in the same industry.

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