Personal Research ePortfolio

Personal Research ePortfolio (Individually assessed 30%)

Task Description:

To engage critically with the concepts of the anthropocene; big data; and social technologies and to develop skills in logical and persuasive argumentation using textual, visual and design based media.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Communicate an introductory understanding of the fields of philosophy of technology, sociology of technology and critical and speculative design (SLO-1).
  2. Use design research methods such as interviewing, collaborative scenario design and prototyping (SLO-4).
  3. Research, write and present developed arguments and rationales for design practice (SLO-5).

Your final submission will include 4 x posts up to 500 words each, based on the following:

  1. Literature Review/Horizon Scanning: Outline a research topic from one of the lectures that interests you, and explain why.
  2. Human technology relationships: Analyse at least one example of new technology that influences how we live (for example, how we work, play, eat, love or sleep).
  3. A review of a future scenario (this could be a film, a piece of fiction, an exhibition not shared in class): What is the scenario being proposed? Is it possible? Plausible? Probable? What objects, spaces, outfits help us visualise this scenario? Do a STEEP analysis on the
  4. Primary Research: This post will analyse an interview you do (i.e. it is not simply a transcript of your questions and answers). Choose a participant carefully and find out their views of possible, probable and preposterous futures. Interviews can be conducted in any language but the post must be in English. Interviews must include signed consent forms uploaded to Canvas.

Each of your 4 x posts should include reference to one item (such as another text, an image, a website, a video, a news article, a scholarly source) that relates to the topic. You are encouraged to use visual, audio and video materials in your ePortfolio, including materials produced during class. These resources need to be correctly referenced. You must make clear in your post why you have included the additional material(s) you have selected, and you must relate clearly and explicitly to the topic of the post.

Setting up your ePortfolio:

Your ePortfolio must be set up in Adobe Behance (, with your URL published to the relevant Canvas submission point. You are free to design the look and feel of your ePortfolio in any way you choose, but please note that a good clear layout with aesthetic consideration will help your tutor understand and appreciate your content, and also facilitate the successful completion of Assessment 2.

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