HWSS2245 Assessment 3 Career Mentoring Evaluation and Reflection on Designing your Career

Course code and name: HWSS2245 Design Your Career

Assessment name: Career Mentoring Evaluation and Reflection on Designing your Career Weight: 40%

Assignment due date: Wednesday 5 January, 2022 Word Limit: 1500 words

Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4 Assignment task: What do I need to do? There are 2 parts for this assessment

Part A Mentoring Evaluation

Part B Reflect on your course learning and create actions to design your career

Part A - Mentoring Evaluation

Find a mentor to conduct and record the meeting (at least 30 minutes), ask career related questions that are of interest to you and produce a written report that answers the questions below.

Mentoring (100 words)

What is mentoring and why is it beneficial to students? (use 1-2 references from the learning materials and your own research)

Describe and Evaluate (700 words)

Include mentor's name, their role and place of work

What did you want to discover or prototype in your discussion with your mentor and why? (E.g Look at your career design thinking map and reflection for suggestions). Do not list the questions you asked.

What did you learn about approaching professionals whom you do not know/don't know very well? What did you learn about the way you interacted with this professional?

What new knowledge and understanding did you gain?

How valuable was this information in relation to your circumstances? Explain your reasoning.

Part B - Reflect on your course learning and create actions to design your career (700 words)

What specific aspects of the course have helped or will help with your career development? Explain your reasoning. Identify at least 3 specific actions/activities you will need to undertake to assist you with designing/planning your career.

Explain why these actions are important to your development.

Your submission will include:

Video or audio file of the meeting - marks will be deducted if you do not submit a recording.

Written 1500-word report (Part A and Part B) plus references (reference list and in-text referencing in APA style).

**Note: You should start finding a mentor for the informational interview early in this course. Extensions will not be granted for reasons relating to not finding a mentor. It is preferable to find a mentor unknown to you and who is not a friend or relative. Take the opportunity to meet new people and expand your network. Extensions (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and-results/extensions-of-time-for-submission-of- assessable-work) will only be granted for exceptional reasons.

Feedback mode:

You will receive feedback from your lecturer/seminar leader that relates to the criteria outlined in this assessment. As part of this assessment you will need to include advice or other other information you received from your mentor, in order to discuss this within your content (answering the four questions above).

Assessment Declaration:

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration          (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and- exams/assessment/assessment-declaration) .

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