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BHO2422 Assessment 1 Individual Event Report

Assessment Overview

Detail Length Weighting Due
The concepts of creativity and design are core to event management. You are required to write an event-based report and analyse selected event using relevant concepts. All activities in week 1 are related to this assignment. It is expected to spend minimum 4 hours outside the class for this assessment.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. Understand the theoretical definitions of design and creativity
  2. Identify and analyse event design concepts relevant to selected event
500 words 15% End of Week 1: Session 3

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

  • LO 1: Determine critical understanding of the creative process as a management function
  • LO 2: Relate and compare the principles of event design to different types pf organised event.


    1. With reference to two or more refereed journal article(s) you need to find two academic definitions of creativity
    2. With reference to one academic article you also need to find an academic definition of design
    3. Use ANZ Newsstand or Factiva to find two news reports. One should be about a festival, and another one should be either a professional sport event or a business conference. One of these events should be outside of Australia. None of the event reports should be more than a year old.
      1. Introduce each of the events and, for each, explain what the focus of the news story is in relation to the event (50 to 75 words for each event). Do not cut and paste information directly from the articles.
    4. Choose one of the events you selected in the news reports and explain how creativity was applied to the event.
    5. Choose a different event to the one selected above and explain the importance of design for that event.
    6. Ensure that the articles are referenced correctly – both in-text and in the reference section. Remember, quotes require the page number of the quote in the in-text reference.

Assessment Structure

When searching an event, you must utilise the following two information sources:

 1. A formal news aggregator (either ANZ Newsstream or Factiva) and

2. Articles from peer reviewed academic journals. Formal referencing in-text and in a reference, section is required. A maximum of 3 out 10 marks can be deducted for poor referencing

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Click > BHO2422 - Assessment 1 Rubric.pdf to access the marking criteria for this assessment.

Expert's Answer

Individual Event Report:

Creativity can be defined as a concept that allows an individual to “escape the present, reconstruct the past and fantasize about the future, to visualize something that does not exist and change the world with it” (Gabora, 2013, pp. 1548). Moreover, Guilford (1950, pp. 445), describes creativity into two standards: “originality” and “appropriateness”.

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