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Written report on sports organisation

  • The resources needed to complete your analysis of your policy case will 1 be found through the Internet. The we.h.g, of sport organisations will be your starting point for your research.
  • The organisation's annual reports for the 3 years prior to the introduction of the policy will also be useful. These are mostly available on the websites of sport organisations, but may also be available in hard copy form upon request. You may need to contact your chosen organisation to obtain such material.
  • To strengthen your analysis, you are expected to draw upon one of the key texts for this subject: Stewart, B., Nicholson, M., Smith, A.
    & Westerbeek, (2004). Australian sport: better by design? The evolution of Australian sport policy. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Each student is expected to contribute egually to the presentation and its preparation.
  • Detailed Guidelines can be downloaded from the LMS.

The Part B Written Report must be word processed and adhere to the following presentation conventions.

  • Written presentation: MS Word; E.: Times New Roma,        5.: 12 point;    5p.a.cupg: 1.5-line spacing
  • Word limit: 500 words per student (2,000 words maximum).
  • Intellectual honesty: You must use an appropriate method for referencing all materials (e.g. books, journal articles, websites, etc.)
    that you refer to in this assessment (i.e. APA6). It is expected that an in-text citation (e.g. Stewart et al, 2004, P. 12) will be Provided for . sport management concepts In the first instance you refer to them. Information on how to use APA6 can be found at:
  • Note: You must also provide a properly formatted reference list at the end of your document.
  • If you quote another author's work, remember the 3-Part rule for anotations: (1) Introduce the Ono.; (2) Provide the quote: (3) provide a brief but original comment on the quote.


  • Sections 1 to 3 (hurdle criteria): Sections 1 to 3 below are compulsory, but no marks will be allocated:
  • Sections 4 to 8 (12 marks): Sections 4 to 8 below are compulsory and will ..e allocated marks.

The following content items/headings provide the guide for your Part B Written Report:

  1. Name of the ;port organisation
  2. Name of the pp(jcy
  3. When was the policy developed or implemented,
  4. What is the (or potential problem) the policy seeks to address, (8 marks]:
  • In this assessment you need to very clearly identify what the problem is. Some of the policies will have a preamble that may give you some clues. You may also need to read the organisation's annual reports for the 3 years prior to the introduction of the policy for more information.
  1. Who does the policy have an impact on (both within and agl the organisation), and what is the im ac 7 (6 marks):
  • There is not one set of stakeholders that can be applied to all policies. Rather, each policy will Impact on a different set of Be sure to examine the policy in detail to work out who might be impacted.
  1. Has the policy been jeyeloped entirely by the organisation? Or is it the result of a larger policy framework (e.g. from a national organisation, SA, state or federal government), 14 marks),
  • This section requires you to follow the policy trail up the 'chain of command'. Be sure to do your research carefully and establish where the policy has come from.
  1. What outcomes does the policy seek to achieve? (i.e. what are the policy objectives?) (4 marks,
  • In this section you may need to do further research (organisation annual reports, SA annual reports, etc.) to determine what the Policy attempts to achieve.
  1. What are theiors. to achieving these outcomes? (2 marks):
  • In this section it may be necessary to follow the policy down the 'chain of command' (as opposed to 'up' in section 6), and establish the barriers to implementing the policy.

NOTE: Items 1, 2 and 3 above are hurdle requirements. They will not be graded, but must be submitted in order to pass the assessment.


  1. Breadth g, depth of engagement with the learning resources [2 marks): Does the group use references beyond particular case documents, (i.e. Does the group use the Stewart et al. (2004) to support their analysis of the case?)
  2. Intellectual honesty demonstrated by appropriate use of APA6 referencing/citation method 12 marks, Does the group consistently use APA6 referencing method? Does the group place their references in a properly formatted reference list?
  3. Clear and concise writing [2 marks]: Clarity of text, error-free spelling & grammar, avoidance of overly long or complex syntax, etc.

Expert's Answer

In the Anti-Doping Policy by Tennis Australia (2014) they defined doping as “Athletes or other Persons shall be responsible for knowing what constitutes an anti-doping rule violation and the substances and methods which have been included on the Prohibited List“. From the definition, we can see that the anti-doping policy is a document for the athlete or the individual to be aware of all the substances and the violations that can be occurred. In research by Rudenko (2014) he analysed that performance-enhancing drugs in sports raise several interrelated problems like medical, legal, ethics/moral, pedagogical aspect, and social.

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