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AMB369 Assessment Item 1 Case study

Assessment Type: Case study analysis

Assessment Name: Case study

Approximate due date: Week 7

Purpose: Evaluate the strategic options and choices available to companies in their international activities.

Length or Duration:  Individual submission. Approximately 1000 words.

Group or Individual:  Class discussion with individual participation

Weight: 40%

Optional or Compulsory: Compulsory


This assessment is designed to serve both summative and formative purposes. It encourages adaptive thinking.  Both critical thinking and research skills will be assessed as you will be required to demonstrate abilities to critically analyse and evaluate, apply key concepts and theories, and communicate your analyses and decisions via hand-in.

  1. Case studies are available on the Blackboard site.
  2. Additional information will be provided in class and the blackboard site.
  3. Case analysis may involve collaboration with students within you class and from international universities
  4. An important component of case analysis is class discussion


  • Complete the case study exercises prior to attending the tutorials. Bring a copy of your case analysis to class
  • .Two column format illustrated below is suggested as it allows you to record notes from discussion.
  • During the class you will work with your instructor and classmates in making improvements to the case.

­        Feedback is provided during the class - active participation in the discussion and paraphrasing and recording the corrections and ideas from other students will help deepen your understanding.

­        You are required to submit one of the cases by week 7 for grading via Turnitin Submissions cannot be emailed.

To mimic real-world scenarios, most of the cases do not have questions. You are required to identify the issues.

      Use the following broad headings

1.       Issues

2.       Analysis

3.       Decisions

4.       Outcomes

Express in your own words the recommendations that are developed in class through class discussion
  • The task is to evaluate the strategic options and choices available to companies in their international activities.
  • The broad questions to be answered in each tutorial are,
    • What are the issues that the decision maker faced?
    • What decisions were made?
    • What alternatives might have improved the outcome?
    • As the decision-maker, what would you propose?
  • Answers will fall into four main areas issues/analysis /decisions /outcomes
  • See guidelines in the Week 1 introduction slides

NB: Review of Marks

The nature of the assessment items such as case analysis and the industry analysis presentation require that a review of marks must be initiated and completed as soon as possible.  Any request for a review of marks based on case study analysis and industry analysis presentation items must be made within seven days of the marks being released directly to your instructor in the first instance. The review will need to be resolved before the end of the week of the final day of class.

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