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You will critically analyse the environmental health issues related to a case study for a specific disaster or mass gathering, and then elaborate a report addressing the environmental health principles, management strategies and interdisciplinary approach relevant to your topic. This assessment task is to be done individually and is worth 30% of your final mark (30 points).
Your case study should be either, a real mass gathering or a real natural or man-made disaster. You may choose a suitable mass gathering that accommodates more than 10,000 patrons over the event period or otherwise a disaster that affected more than 10,000 people, and then prepare a report that includes (but not necessarily be limited to) the following sections:
Use these five sections (at least) as headings in your report. You can include other headings if you need to incorporate other sections that you consider important, depending on your case study.
You need to support your report with relevant references to scientific (research papers) and official reports (e.g. government or international organisations reports). There is not limit for how many references you can use but it is expected that you include recent research/official reports (avoid using references before 2000, except for citations of old legal frameworks -e.g. in case your case study is a disaster/mass gathering that occurred many years ago).
Use the APA reference and citation system (citation refers to how the reference appears in the text. The reference will appear in a reference list at the end of your report). Since you are going to write the report using MS Word, I strongly recommend you use Endnote as reference manager, integrated to Word. QUT students can download and install Endnote X9 for free, from this site: .
There are multiple resources on the internet on how to use Endnote with MS Word (this link can be a good start: e&q=how+use+endnotges#kpvalbx=_G9KKXriSDMPVz7sPtc6m-AM28 )
The word limit is 2,200 words (+/- 10%). The markers will assess reports until the 2420 words. Consider this to avoid the last part of your report not being assessed and marked).
You can use any font and format for the report. No more than 2 graphics or figures should be included. Graphics/figures should be numbered and include a description at the bottom. Tables should be numbered, have a descriptive title and be created using the table tool in MS Word, so they will be included in the word count. Tables included as figures or pictures will not be assessed/marked. No more than 2 tables. The document should be named with this format: Name(s)_Surname(S)_A2. Please submit as MS Word (not PDF).
The report must be submitted electronically via Turnitin (the link will be open in Blackboard on academic week 10 ( 11 - 17/May 2020 ). The submission deadline is 17/05/2020, 11.59 pm.
The 2020 Australian bushfire, which is also known as Black Summer, began with the numerous serious uncontrolled fires in June 2019. Throughout the 2019-2020 summers the hundreds of fires burnt in most of the southeast of Australia. The fires which broke out during December and January haven’t been controlled since then. The fires burned an estimated 18.6 million hectares (46 million acres; 186,000 square kilometers; 72,000 square kilometers), damaged over 5,900 buildings (including 2,779 homes) and killed at least 34 people as of 9 March 2020. An approximate one billion animals were killed, and several endangered species may be pushed to extinct. Air quality fell to alarming levels at its peak.
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