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By this date, your team is expected to have a complete draft of your report. It does not have to be a finished report, but it should be as complete as possible, including Title Page and an Executive and Chapter Summaries, and correct formatting throughout the document.
Deliverables: One team member should submit the draft via on behalf of the entire team (see step-by-step submission guidelines below). After your document is submitted, TurnItIn will generate a plagiarism report that will show you if any parts of the report have been plagiarized (it takes several hours to produce). Usually, up to 20% similarity is acceptable, provided that copy-and-pasted materials are properly referenced. If plagiarism is detected, your team will have until the Final Report deadline (see below) to fix the problem and submit a plagiarism-free final report.
The draft will not be graded, and the plagiarism statistics will not be shared with your instructors. This is only for your information. You should continue editing the report until the final deadline, and you can still make any changes or additions.
However, it is strongly encouraged that you submit as complete a document as possible. You will be able to submit your draft and check it for plagiarism only once, so the more complete the draft, the less the chance that the final report will contain plagiarism. Also, every team member will be asked to submit your usual weekly progress survey. A few days before the deadline, you will receive an email with the usual questions about your team.
Want to contact us directly? No Problem. We are always here for you