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“The life of a modern-day leader clearly is not easy. Inside their organizations, they need to lead and motivate a diversified group of people, work across organizational boundaries, improve efficiency, and achieve growth. Externally, they face a complex and globalized environment; they have to manage the requirements of government, keep up with competitors, and meet the expectations of other stakeholders. And within this global environment, there are many cultural considerations leaders must face to be effective. They must work across cultural boundaries and alongside others who, at times, are very different from them and have different ways of getting work completed”
Gentry W.A, Eckert, R.H, Stawiski SA, and Zhao S (2016) Center For Creative Leadership, “The Challenges Leaders Face Around the World More Similar than Different” p3 Accessed on June 24 2018:
You are to write an essay where you discuss what you consider to be the major challenges of leadership in today’s world.
Your essay needs to show evidence of reading widely on this topic.
You must consider the following questions:
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