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Produce an individual 3,000 word Reflective Business Strategy Report, following your active participation in the BSG:
3. Critically evaluate the impact of ONE specific emerging technology on the future of your business and make useful recommendations to future managers. (30 marks)
Here students demonstrate understanding of emerging technologies. Students should demonstrate awareness of a range of emerging technologies which may be relevant to the nature of their company’s
business - these should include any emerging technologies in the form of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, 3-D Technology, Cloud-based Technologies, etc.
Students should identify ONE emerging technology relevant to their company’s present or future operations; and critically evaluate its impact on the activities of their organization (these must be discussed
rather than being simply presented as bullet points or in simple tabular form).
Students should present useful recommendations that future senior managers could consider - either to take advantage of opportunities OR address challenges, following the critical evaluation of the impact of the identified emerging technology on the organization.
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