2021-BUS3DIG – Assessment 1 : Formative and reflective tasks
Choose an e-commerce company and assess it in terms of unique features of e-commerce technology. Which of the features does the company implement well, and which features poorly, in your opinion? Prepare a short video (3 minutes) to the president of the company you have chosen, detailing your findings and any suggestions for improvement you may have. Detailed instructions and grading criteria are provided in the pdf below
For this assessment, you must choose an e-commerce company and assess it in terms of the eight unique features of e-commerce technology described presented during week 1 that are also listed below. Determine which of the features does the company implement well, and which features poorly, in your opinion? Prepare a short video (3 to 4 minutes) to the president of the company you have chosen, detailing your findings and any suggestions for improvement you may have. The video should provide short presentation of the website of the company and critically address at least 3 features of e-commerce listed below, with suggestion of improvement. The video should be between 3 and 4 minutes. It has to be professional, clear and well presented. Follow the marking rubric on LMS. In assessing a website in terms of the eight unique features of e-commerce technology, you might focus on at least three of the following features presented during week 1: • Ubiquity: What kinds of m-commerce applications, if any, does the site offer? (Such applications increase ubiquity by making e-commerce available from a wider range of devices.) • Global reach: Does the website try to reach consumers outside of its host country? If so, how well is this implemented? • Universal standards: There should not be much variance between websites with respect to this feature of e-commerce technology. • Richness: Does the website use animated graphics, online video, or streaming media to deliver marketing messages? If so, how effective does the student find these features? Do they aid the consumer’s experience, or hinder it? • Interactivity: In what ways is the website interactive? • Information density: you should note what, if any, information (via registration or through other means) a website overtly collects from visitors or users. • Personalization/customization: In what ways does the website personalize its marketing messages? For instance, is the user greeted by name? Can products and services be customized? • Social technology: Does the website offer ways for consumers to share opinions and preferences? Is there any capacity for content generated by users?
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