13096 Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary - Teaching Vocabulary - Assignment Help

Task description

  • Describe a specific group of learners (location of the class, number in the class, age, proficiency level, L1/L1s, reason for learning English etc.).
  • List six items of vocabulary for presentation and practice in a 60-minute lesson with the class.
  • Provide a rationale for the choice of these items of vocabulary for this specific group of
  • Analyse each of six items (meaning/use, form, pronunciation features, anticipated problems for learners).
  • Describe how the six items will be presented to the
  • Describe activities that provide the learners with meaningful engagement with the six
  • Provide a rationale, drawing on relevant literature, for the means of presentation and the nature of the engagement


  1. Suggested headings

There is no need for an introduction or conclusion.

  1. Class profile
  2. Target vocabulary
  3. Rationale for the choice of target vocabulary
  4. Analysis of the target vocabulary
  5. Presentation of the target vocabulary
  6. Learner engagement with the target vocabulary
  7. Rationale for the means of presentation and the nature of learner engagement

2.       Target vocabulary

List six meaningfully linked words/word units/phrases, appropriate for the proficiency level and needs of the students. Put each word on a separate line and use generous spacing so they immediately ‘stand out’.

Briefly describe how the words are meaningfully linked.

3.       Rationale for the choice of target vocabulary

Provide a brief statement that justifies your choice of target vocabulary. Is the vocabulary proficiency-level appropriate?

Are these useful words for the learners? What vocabulary do they need in’ real life’?

4.       Analysis of the target vocabulary

Analyse each word in turn. Use these sub-headings:

•       Part of speech

  • Meaning

•       Example sentence

  • Grammatical features: if relevant eg. uncountable vs uncountable noun, irregular plural noun form (eg. children), transitive vs intransitive verb, dependent prepositions (eg. to be reliant on someone) etc.
  • Pronunciation: words stress in multi-syllable words (eg. REL-e-vant)
  • Anticipated problems for learners: of meaning, form (use in a sentence), pronunciation

5.       Presentation of the target vocabulary

Take each word in turn.

Describe how you will establish the meaning of the word. Use the options from the Week 9 lecture.

6.       Learner engagement with the target vocabulary

Deal with the target language as a set (not as individual words).

Classify, order and describe the activities you will provide so the learners ‘put the words to work’. See the Week 10 lecture for possible classifications (eg. identifying, sorting etc).

Be specific in your description. Place activities in an appendix.

7.       Rationale for the means of presentation and the nature of learner engagement

Refer to the 4 subject readings listed in the Week 8 lecture.

Nation (2000)

Nation (2020)

Schmidt (2018)

Thornbury (2002)

Links to these readings are provided on the Extend Your Learning page, Week 8 Canvas module.

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