013096 Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary - Teaching Grammar - Assignment Help

Task description

Task description

  • Briefly describe a specific group of learners (location of the class, number in the class, age, proficiency level, L1/L1s, reason for learning English ).
  • Identify and analyse a point of grammar (eg. the present perfect for life experience eg. I’ve been to New York City five times; comparative adjectives; modal auxiliary verbs for logical deduction eg, He must be quite rich) suitable as the focus for a 60-minute lesson with the
  • State whether it is assumed the learners have had no previous explicit input on the point of grammar, or whether this revision/extension of the
  • Outline a sequence of activities that provides new input or revision/extension of the point of grammar and meaningful practice of it. The activities can be independently designed or adapted from suitable published Identify the aims of each activity.
  • Analyse the treatment of the grammar point, using the Ellis (2002) framework of methodological options in grammar teaching materials.
  • Justify the treatment of the grammar point. Take into account (1) the nature and needs of the class, (2) the overall aims of the lesson eg. new input or revision/extension, and (3) the linguistic features of the point of grammar. Use the Thornbury (1999) framework of efficiency and appropriacy, and relevant findings from the literature on approaches to teaching

Assessment criteria

Criteria Weight


Accuracy of the analysis of the grammar point 20 a 1
Level of relevant specific detail in the description of the sequence of activities. 20 c 1, 2, 6
Level of relevant and informed analysis of the treatment of the grammar point. 30 b 1, 2, 6
Level of relevant and informed justification of treatment of the grammar point. 30 d 1, 2, 5, 6


Organise your work under the following headings:

  1. Description of the group of learners
  2. Identification and analysis of the point of grammar
  3. Assumed knowledge
  4. Outline of the sequence of activities
  5. Analysis of the treatment of the grammar point
  6. Justification of the treatment of the grammar point

For (2) Identification and analysis of the point of grammar, use the following sub-headings:

  • The point of grammar
  • Analysis of concept
  • Analysis of form
  • Analysis of relevant pronunciation features

For (4) Outline of the sequence of activities, state the aim of each activity and provide relevant specific detail on what will happen. This is most clearly presented in table form.

For (5) Analysis of the treatment of the grammar point, first briefly introduce the Ellis (2002) framework and use the dimensions of the framework (eg. Explicit description, Data, Operations and the options within each) to organise your analysis.

For (6), Justification of the treatment of the grammar point, first briefly introduce the Thornbury (1999) framework and use Efficiency and Appropriacy as sub-headings. Also refer to other relevant readings on approaches to the teaching of grammar.

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